What Happens When We Conquer Aging?

Phil and Stephen discuss some of the broader social implications associated with ending aging.

Aging Expert: The First Person to Live to 1,000 Has Already Been Born

According to the United Nations, the population of those aged 60 and older is expected to more than double by 2050 — increasing from 962 million globally in 2017 to 2.1 billion in 2050.

If or when humanity determines how to reject aging, de Grey foresees the development of rejuvenation clinics that will address seven issues related to aging: tissue atrophy, cancerous cells, mitochondrial mutations, death-resistant cells, extracellular matrix stiffening, extracellular aggregates, and intracellular aggregates.

The above story drew the following comment on Facebook:

If that’s the case, then we are going to have to implement a one child policy or things are going to get out of hand.

Will we?

What can we expect to change / has to change when people live to be 1,000?


  • How long before treatments for aging are a big factor in population?
  • Will we face a population explosion?
  • How long will there be two populations: one that ages normally and one that doesn’t age?
  • What factors might offset the explosion?
  • Education / Career / Marriage / Family — What will be the right age to start each of these in a world without aging?
  • What should the population of the planet be?
  • What should the population of the solar system be?

WT 377-688

About Phil 523 Articles
Phil Bowermaster is a nationally recognized author and speaker. He has more than 25 years experience writing about emerging technologies and the future. As co-host of the popular Internet radio series, The World Transformed, Phil has talked with leading scientists and technologists, best-selling authors, philosophers, filmmakers, artists, entrepreneurs and others who are shaping our understanding of the amazing era of transformation in which we live. Phil helps leaders and their organizations develop strategies for managing accelerating change. He shows how imagination, optimism, empathy, and humor can make all the difference in both understanding and making the most of the powerful currents of change we face.