True Stories: News Not Dated April 1st

Slide1Phil and Stephen discuss news that is strange, but absolutely true.


Plunging price of renewable energy makes end of fossil fuels inevitable, says report

And it highlighted prediction that generation costs for large-scale solar power plants were expected to drop by a massive 57 per cent by 2025, with onshore and offshore wind expected to become 26 and 35 per cent respectively.

Bees swarm infield during Rockies-Padres spring training game

Anti-Ageing Drug Could Be Available To Buy In Just Three Years

…team at the University of New South Wales has identified a critical step in the molecular process and a key metabolite, NAD+, which has a central role as a regulator in protein-to-protein interactions that control repair to our DNA.

‘Your animal life is over. Machine life has begun.’ The road to immortality

At some point, you become aware that you are no longer present in your body.


Plus one story that was dated April 1:

DeepMind Solves AGI, Summons Demon

WT 285-594

About Phil 523 Articles
Phil Bowermaster is a nationally recognized author and speaker. He has more than 25 years experience writing about emerging technologies and the future. As co-host of the popular Internet radio series, The World Transformed, Phil has talked with leading scientists and technologists, best-selling authors, philosophers, filmmakers, artists, entrepreneurs and others who are shaping our understanding of the amazing era of transformation in which we live. Phil helps leaders and their organizations develop strategies for managing accelerating change. He shows how imagination, optimism, empathy, and humor can make all the difference in both understanding and making the most of the powerful currents of change we face.